The Day After Tomorrow. Vol. 1. A Novel About Big Money

Паперова: 750 грн.
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Електронна: 375 грн.

Автор: Олександр Красовицький (Oleksandr Krasovytskyy) Мова видання: англійська Мова оригіналу: російська Перекладач: Микола Дем’янов Обкладинка: тверда Кількість сторінок: 544 Формат: 84х108 1/32 Жанр: Літературно-художнє видання Серія: Окреме видання Рік видання: 2025 ISBN: 978-617-8550-17-2

The Day After Tomorrow, a thriller novel by Oleksandr Krasovytskyy plunges readers deep into the shadowy maze of power in Russia on the brink of its collapse. The world watches as Putin’s death sets off a chain reaction: Lenin’s mummified body is removed from his mausoleum, air raid sirens howl over Moscow, and the Kremlin’s iron grip begins to wane.

The author exposes the dark underbelly of Russian special services—the KGB and FSB—and their global network of manipulation. These agents of control have built an empire of influence and fear—from financial groups to religious centers. The developments of the novel cover the entire world—from Moscow to the deserts of Uzbekistan, the steppes of Yakutia, Italy, and the Middle East. Dynamic, ominously realistic, and packed with intrigue, the novel will keep you on the edge of your seat all the way to the last page.

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