The King’s Gambit. A Novel about the Resilience of Energodar

Цифрова: 255 грн.

Автори: Петро Кралюк Олександр Красовицький (Oleksandr Krasovytskyy) Мова видання: англійська Мова оригіналу: українська Перекладачі: Микола Дем’янов, Антоніна Івахненко Обкладинка: тверда Кількість сторінок: 416 Формат: 84х108 1/32 Жанр: Літературно-художнє видання Серія: Окреме видання Рік видання: 2024 ISBN: 978-617-551-868-7

A brutal war and military invasion totally broke down the former peaceful and comfortable life of Energodar, a satellite town of the Europe’s largest nuclear power plant. The war made numerous destinies of its inhabitants tie up into a tight knot, with each of them having their own difficult stories. The ruthless and cynical enemy had seized the Zaporizhzhia NPP and condemned its workers to abuse, humiliation, and torture, thus having endangered the security of not only Ukraine, but also of other nations. Who then will dare to play a game of chess with death? What are the novel’s protagonists willing to sacrifice in order to preserve their honor and conscience, and to achieve the major value in life? In the multifaceted and polyphonic novel by Petro Kralyuk and Oleksandr Krasovytskyy, human voices and tunes from different historical eras are intertwined. Joined together, they make up a collective and, at the same time, integral symphony of our past and present, in which despite everything, there clearly sounds the music of love, hope and unshakable faith in Victory.

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