
Паперова: 790 грн.
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Електронна: 395 грн.

Автор: Олександр Красовицький (Oleksandr Krasovytskyy) Мова видання: англійська Мова оригіналу: російська Перекладач: Микола Дем’янов Обкладинка: тверда Кількість сторінок: 544 Формат: 84х108 1/32 Жанр: Літературно-художнє видання Серія: Окреме видання Рік видання: 2024 ISBN: 978-617-551-787-1

Oleksandr Krasovytskyy's latest book, TODAY, develops in the present, serving as a sequel to the author's previous novels. The narrative delves into current times, featuring recognizable characters and events that have unfolded recently. The plot is richly woven through the perspectives of various characters, whose lives would likely never intersect in normal circumstances, if not for the Kremlin dictator and his circle initiating a bewildering global partition.

At the heart of the novel lies a compelling mystery—the existence of a covert "factory of Putin’s body doubles." Initially intended to stand in for the Russian President during diplomatic meetings and public gatherings, these body doubles eventually become pawns in the hands of Russian politicians. As a result, readers are compelled to ponder, "Is Putin truly still alive? Has the author successfully solved the intricately hidden mystery?"

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